Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Advertising, Marketing, Social Networking, EXHAUSTION!!

So now that I am back to work, I am looking for ways to start advertising and marketing again. Well, as wonderful as the internet is with all of its endless possibilities for advertising, it can also be quite exhausting! Everyday there are new sources, media outlets and networking opportunities that it makes it very difficult to figure out what is just hype and what will actually work for my business. Not to mention that a lot of advertising costs money, so deciding how to make the most of my advertising dollars is a big consideration as well.

The first thing that I did when I came back to work, which didn't cost me a cent was to email past and current vendors, clients and associates announcing my return, along with a photo of Benji. A lot of people appreciated the brief but personalized message and some people contacted me right away for work they needed. That was very encouraging and made me feel productive right away. It also was a good excuse to say 'hi' and remind people that I am here if they need anything.

The other place I am listed on now is the Interior Design Directory (check out Conceptual Interiors Inc.)
I haven't received any leads from this yet, but I am going to try it for a year and see what happens. I chose this website for two reasons. The first is that a colleague of mine uses it and said it has gotten him some business. The second is when I Google "New York Interior Designers" and other similar searches, a link to the page where my listing is comes up. I figured this was a good sign that people using Google for this type of search would find me.

Now it's time to move on to other advertising and marketing ideas. I would be interested to know what other small businesses do in order to get their company and message out into the world in a targeted way. There is so much speculation about social media, for example. Does Twitter and Facebook actually bring in business, and if so, for what type of profession? Is getting work the goal or is it more of a branding strategy?

I'm going to start experimenting with Google Ad Words before I get lost in the world of social media (aside from this humble blog and Twitter account - intdesignmom). Fortunately, my husband works in the field of computers and online advertising and will be able to help me (free of charge of course!) set up an account with Google Ad Words and get my advertising dollars working for me! I hope that this form of advertising brings in more direct and immediate business. My plan is to try a few avenues and put more effort into them rather than spreading out too thin both financially and emotionally!

Keep you posted on my progress. Let me know how you get your business!

1 comment:

  1. Robyn, you raise a good issue and are very fortunate your husband can help you with PPC (Pay Per Click, Adwords) Not many have made it pay off, but some have. You two have some great ideas. Share your results when you have them.

    As to other things, the optimum is to go to customers and people you know who will want you to succeed - holiday greeting list, friends, church directory, etc. Should be able to get a list of 200 to 300 names. Send them post cards and follow up with a phone call. Ask them to refer you to their friends. Get their email to put on your email distribution.

    Twitter is probably least productive. Facebook has worked, but going direct to potential buyers is more productive. Email me if I can help in any way.


    Steve Bursten
